Thursday, May 19, 2016

Apple Noodle Salad

So got inspired to use my spiralizer for a salad of a different kind after my daughter Jessica said she really wasn't into lettuce these days, just didn't have the palate for them. One of my favorite snacks is an apple with peanut butter and other toppings, I thought why not a salad..... so here it is
1 apple spiraled
1 tbsp peanut butter
juice of half a lime
water to thin out the peanut butter and lime juice
unsweetened flaked coconut
chopped nuts
chopped dark chocolate
a few dried cranberries
 just mix the lime juice and peanut butter together and thin to make pourable,,, assemble salad and enjoy :)
I happened to have lime juice on hand, you could mix the peanut butter with apple juice, lemon juice, or just water. 

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